We've teamed up with Nomad Pharmacy to offer you a £15 discount on all the medications you have learned about through our courses.
You can purchase these as an individual or an organisation. Whether you hold a UK prescribing license or not (see conditions of use for more information about this). You must produce a UE Certificate valid for 2 years from course completion.

You may opt to:
1. Purchase individual items from the full medications list for re-supply of your med kit. See a sample quote of the full medications list, prices are subject to change. An up to date quote will be supplied by Nomad.
2. Purchase the recommended meds pack which has been specifically designed to insert directly into the MERE Med Kit, but can equally be used in conjunction with any kit. This comprehensive kit includes rehydration, analgesia, antibiotics, anti-emetics, anti-histamines, anti-malarials, anaphylaxis, anti-convulsants, altitude meds, diabetic meds, cardiac meds, asthma meds, including eye drops / oral / intravenous / intramuscular meds… all the essentials you’ll need to carry as the expedition medical cover.
3. Arrange Medical Support for your project. Contact us to appoint one of our highly-experienced, UK trained expedition doctors as your medical officer. They are on call 24/7 to provide your team with advice and guidance in the field "aka top-cover,"as well as pre-deployment training, medical screening, health briefings, risk assessment, casualty evacuation planning and remote prescribing protocols (often called PGD's). This is recommended for organisations serious about keeping your team safe, reducing risks, improving incident outcomes and of course lowering insurance premiums.
N.B. We recognise the outlay for medications is significant… we feel it ourselves So we recommend when providing medial cover you factor this into your fee and expenses. We cannot emphasise enough the importance of kit familiarity and having the right items to hand when you really need them the most.