Catastrophic Haemorrhage
Type of resource:
You are doing some winter mountaineering in the Alps. A member of your group slipped on a steep section and slid down a snowy slope. They did not ice-axe arrest correctly and impaled themselves on their ice axe. As soon as the severity of the injury is seen, emergency help is called for.
D – on steep terrain the other members of your group could be at risk. Safety of rescuers remains the priority.
R – patient is mumbling in response to voice.
(C) – blood all over the floor from a gushing wound in the thigh from an ice axe (keeps bleeding until tourniquet applied)
A - Airway is patent
B - RR – 30, O2 sats – 98%, equal chest expansion.
C - BP – 120/80mmHg, HR – 150bpm, central capillary refill < 2 sec, peripheral capillary refill > 2 sec
D - Cold is a priority as it increases coagulopathy, BM 6.3, pupils equal and reactive to light.
E - Full top-to-toe survey checking for other bleeds – bleeding from a wound on his back.
· Stop the bleeding (direct pressure, wound-packing, pressure dressings like Olaes or Israeli, haemostatic agents like Celox, tourniquet)
· Keeping the casualty warm and insulated.
· EVAC plan needs to be made
· Finding the secondary wound
· Consider IV access and weigh up fluids if available in your kit.
· Consider TXA if available in your medical kit
Casualty deterioration:
Casualty becomes unconscious – what do you need to do? Re-assess A-E:
D - as before.
R - casualty is no longer responsive to voice, responsive to pain.
A - Airway is patent
B - RR – 35, O2 sats – 92%, equal chest expansion.
C - BP – 80/30mmHg, no longer has a radial pulse. HR at carotid – 150bpm, central cap refill > 2 sec, peripheral cap refill > 2 sec.
IV and give 250ml fluid boluses to maintain a radial pulse
Keep the casualty warm
Communicate the casualty deterioration to any rescuers.