Wrist Fracture
Type of resource:
You’re on a camping trip in the Lake District with a group of friends. A member of your group comes over and says that they have hurt their wrist falling off the slackline.
D - nil, you are safe at your campsite.
R – responds to voice, well-orientated.
C – no obvious catastrophic bleeding.
A – casualty is talking with you, airway is patent.
B – equal, symmetric chest expansion, auscultation normal breath sounds, resp rate 14; O2 sats are 99%.
C – BP 115/80 mmHg, cap refill < 2 sec, HR 70; chest, abdo, pelvis and long bones are all clear.
D – pupils equal and reactive to light, normal neurology, glucose is 5.2.
E – SAMPLE history
· Pain relief (checking allergies first)
· Reassurance
· Sling or splint or both
· Check pulses, sensation and motor function below injury is normal